Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Anne Frannk and Bruno

Bruno was a great explorer. He went to explore about what was inside the 'farm'. He went in without any thoughts. Bruno was innocent when he entered the 'farm'. Anne Frank starts writing in her diary on her 13th birthday. She has no truly close friends to confide in, so in her diary she writes detailed letters to an imaginary girlfriend named Kitty. The last time she commits her feelings to paper is on August 1, 1944. Two years have passed and much has changed in her life. Those first few weeks after her birthday were “normal”: she went to school, worried about her report card, gossiped about her classmates… But by July 6 she has gone into hiding and is living in the Secret Annex with her parents and sister. A week later the Van Pels family arrives, and Fritz Pfeffer joins them all in November 1942. The war was a tragedy. Despite the innocence of Bruno.

1 comment:

  1. "Those first few weeks after her birthday were “normal”: she went to school, worried about her report card, gossiped about her classmates… But by July 6 she has gone into hiding and is living in the Secret Annex with her parents and sister. A week later the Van Pels family arrives, and Fritz Pfeffer joins them all in November 1942." --- seems like a "cut and paste" work from here... You want to paraphase a bit or rewrite this part?

    The war was indeed a tradegy, you should elaborate in detail the innocence of Bruno and Anne in your reflections.


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